We wanted to share this amazing story from our friends that really proves love is love. Addison Taylor supports the LGBT community and we are so excited for what the future holds for marriage equality...
From our friend David....
Eric and I met over 18 years ago on an on-line dating site back in the stone age of the dial-up modem. We knew from the beginning that we would spend the rest of our lives together. For most of our time together, we have lived our lives very much like heterosexual couples. We own a home together and have always been accepted by our families, in our community, and amongst a diverse group of friends. As the years progressed, we realized that same-sex couples were at a serious disadvantage regarding legal rights – particularly in the areas of taxation and survivor benefits. It became clear that LGBT advocacy efforts were more than just being "accepted" in the community. And while we were hopeful that the law would change some day, we thought it would take many more years, especially in our state. When Pennsylvania legalized same-sex marriage in May 2014, our initial reaction was not of one proposing to the other. As far as we were concerned we were already "married" and just needed to make it "legal". With our daughter having just had a large wedding a month earlier, as well as my 50th birthday destination party already planned for New Orleans the following May, we opted to have a private ceremony in our home, keep it a secret for several months, and make an announcement at my 50th to our family and friends.  We were married January 9, 2015 using commitment rings that we had been wearing for years.  But, we both felt that it was very important for us to present each other with special rings -- something with the "wow" factor, and that we could look at each day and recognize how lucky we are to have each other. Now, a mission to be accomplished prior to May 2015 -- where to go and who to trust with the important decision.  During a February 2015 visit with friends Kathy and Gary in Scottsdale, a comment was made that Kathy needed to visit her jeweler, the same jeweler that had designed and made a surprise anniversary ring for her years earlier. Then, the concept of designing rings was born. A long shot, but we tagged along to meet the jeweler. Enter, Scott Berger. The "jeweler" quickly turned to "friend". After viewing some of his amazing work, understanding the creative design process using 3-D technology and a tour of the production shop, we quickly realized that the possibilities were endless. Scott's depth of experience ultimately produced 2 pieces of art -- beautiful and identical rings. Other than trying them on for size, the rings remained in the boxes for 3 months until the May 2015 party in New Orleans. The ceremony was recreated by our friend Gary, an ordained minister, and the rings were exchanged. The excitement was unbelievable. It would not have been the same without Addison Taylor. It was a pleasure meeting Scott and doing business with Addison Taylor.Â
